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Plan Ahead for September 2025:
Be Ready with MyProgress

Start planning now to ensure your institution is prepared for the 2025/26 academic year with the MyProgress ePortfolio


We understand meeting regulatory requirements, supporting students effectively, and reducing administrative burdens for staff are non-negotiable.

MyProgress is a versatile and configurable ePortfolio system that enables students to gather evidence and feedback to demonstrate their learning, competencies, and progress through a programme, ultimately demonstrating that your programmes meet regulatory requirements.

With our proven implementation model, incorporating dedicated Implementation, Project Management, and Training Teams, getting started is easier than you think.


Why Choose MyProgress?

The Gold Standard in Portfolios

In 2024, an incredible 5 million assessments and forms were completed using MyProgress. These were from a broad range of disciplines, ranging from Teacher Education to Veterinary, Nursing to Dentistry, Medicine to Midwifery, and beyond. Learn more about the disciplines MyProgress supports here.

MyProgress supports over 50% of UK nursing students

MyProgress is the trusted digital assessment and portfolio platform used by over 50% of UK nursing and midwifery students.

Explore how the Pan London consortium of universities across the capital use MyProgress to support Nursing and Midwifery students in this case study


Mobile & Offline Capabilities

The MyProgress ePortfolio's Intuitive Interface

The mobile app works offline, allowing assessments to be captured in the moment and then uploaded to the portfolio seamlessly once completed.

The intuitive interface ensures it's simple for students to locate the required assessment forms and perform tasks such as logging practice hours.


Simplified Admin

MyProgress ePortfolio speech-to-text

Practice staff can leave feedback using speech-to-text functionality, in the heat of the moment, ensuring authentic feedback is captured and saving time.

Staff in practice can self-register and access student portfolios directly, greatly reducing admin for universities.


Enhanced Oversight

At-a-glance dashboards highlight cohort progress, significantly reducing time spent by academics reviewing student portfolios.

At-risk students are easily identified, facilitating targeted and timely intervention.


The whole team has been exemplary in their leadership in supporting our academics in developing, implementing, training and launching MyProgress.”

- Director of Practice


Don't wait - learn more about how MyProgress can transform your institution today.

Book Your Free Consultation Now



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If you would like to discuss one of our learning technology platforms, or have an exciting project
you would like us to get involved in, feel free to get in touch with the team.

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