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Press Release

The Myprogress ePAD

Education technology experts, MyKnowledgeMap, are excited to share details of their latest product, the Myprogress electronic Practice Assessment Document (ePAD). The award-winning mobile assessment and e-portfolio tool is designed for workplace-based assessment. As experts in the learning technology space, the ePAD was developed by MyKnowledgeMap to support students throughout their clinical years.

Currently in use by students of medicine, nursing, allied health, and veterinary medicine around the world, the Myprogress ePAD enables students to gather feedback while on placement in real-time, be proactive in driving their development, and gain full support from clinicians in practice alongside academic staff on campus.

Similarly, for midwifery students, the Myprogress eMORA has been developed.

The Myprogress ePAD functions in the same way as MyKnowledgeMap’s original workplace-based assessment tool, Myprogress, but with a new user interface. The upgraded interface gives users a consolidated view of a student’s progress throughout their programme. A new timeline feature allows users to see what a student is currently working towards, as well as what’s coming up further down the line. Being able to visualise a programme as a more organised and unified whole, and seeing each assessment as a step forward, is a great motivator for students.

“We’ve heard from so many institutions about the fantastic results they’ve seen when using the Myprogress ePAD; attrition rates are lower, educators have a better overview of students' performance, and students are more engaged. Its adaptability makes it relevant to a wide range of practice environments” Adam Doyle – MyKnowledgeMap CEO.

Some of the key features of the Myprogress ePAD include:

  • The Myprogress ePAD works offline - eliminating the reliance on a Wi-Fi connection in clinical environments.
  • Practice staff can provide timely student feedback through a simple user interface.
  • Real-time insight allows visibility into student performance, helping you deliver better student support and facilitate early intervention.
  • Track student progress with configurable dashboards all in one place.
  • Intuitive design.
  • It’s fully customisable to suit your institution and your students' needs.
  • Versatile and detailed analytics reporting.
  • Integrates with InPlace, Blackboard, and Canvas.

MyKnowledgeMap has worked with leading medical schools across the world to develop the Myprogress ePAD, and the tool has already been rolled out to and is currently in use by students at several institutions including Ulster University, Wrexham Glyndŵr University, Open University Northern Ireland, Queen's University Belfast, and Cardiff. 

The University of South Wales is one of many institutions using the Myprogress ePAD. Learn more about the institution’s requirements, and how the Myprogress ePAD supports their academic staff, assessors, and students here.

Several of The Pan London Practice Learning Group (PLPLG) institutions also use the ePAD and eMORA for nursing and midwifery.

“Universities tell me all the time how user friendly the new user interface is. It’s really clear what a student needs to do next on their placement and highlights any difficulties they might be having. They love the dashboard and the at a glance view of how an entire cohort is performing” Tom Holland – Myprogress Product Manager.

Discover how Myprogress works in the video below.


Myprogress ePAD offers unrivalled expertise in practice-based learning and assessment technology and is now used in approximately 30% of all UK Medical Schools and 40% of UK Nursing Schools, and an increasing number in Australia, Singapore, USA and Europe. It is also the supplier to the UK General Medical Council for their OSCE and PLAB1 examinations systems.

The MyProgress solution has won various international awards and in 2020 was shortlisted by the Times Higher Education Supplement for “Digital Innovation of the Year”.

If you would like to have a demonstration of the Myprogress ePAD or eMORA, or would like to discuss your ePAD project with us then please get in touch at 

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